
UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_353UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_38eHello family, friends, and colleagues. The Cobb family has set up this memorial website to remember our husband, dad, brother, and friend George W. Cobb. George passed away on May 6th , 2020 after battling sickness for over six months. Due to COVID-19, we are unable to hold a physical memorial at this time, though we hope to as soon as it is safe to. We have set up this website to remember George, hear your stories, and connect with one another. Please submit your stories, photos, and any remembrance you have of George. This would mean a lot to hear from those who cared for him and loved him.

– Lee Tae Cobb

Please send us a story remembering George. We will post the story and any photos to the website. Send us a story to gcobbmemorial@gmail.com. Feel free to attach photos to your e-mail.